小明的OJ增强脚本帮助文档 Help




  1. 复制一张图片

  2. 在任何一个讨论(或短消息)的发送框中右键粘贴或者在键盘上点击ctrl+v,即可上传。


  1. 由于服务器位置关系,上传、显示过程可能比较缓慢。

  2. 禁止上传违反用户协议、公序良俗和其他另行通知的不得上传的内容。

  3. 视情况管理组会删除部分用户上传的不符合规定的图片。

  4. 如果多次上传问题图片,可能会被禁止使用该功能。

Image hosting

The discussion section and short messages support image uploads. This feature is useful for sharing images, such as screenshots, with other users.

To upload an image, paste the image into a text field. The image will be automatically uploaded to the server.

Please note that your image should obey our TOS. You should not upload any inappropriate images, such as NSFW content, to the server. If your image violates our TOS, it will be removed. Repeated violations may result in a ban.

If you get an error message, please contact an administrator.

Last modified: 06 August 2024