小明的OJ增强脚本帮助文档 Help





  • 我们对于小明的OJ增强脚本的目标时 稳定性大于功能性 。这意味着我们专注于在开发新功能前优先修复问题。通常,我们可以同时完成这两件事,但是问题修复比新功能更重要。

  • 我们在脚本中使用Bootstrap。所以请尽量使用Bootstrap而不是您自己写的CSS。

  • 不要使用Code Formatter

  • 如果开发者没有同意,请不要使用额外的外部库。

  • 对于新功能,请先开启一个Issue与团队讨论具体功能之后再完成代码并PR。

  • 尊重原先的代码格式。变量名使用camelCase,function使用PascalCase,class使用TitleCase。原先的代码可能不符合这项规定但是新代码会。

  • 结尾使用Unix格式。

  • 提交你的PR之前,请先把本仓库的dev分支拉取到你的仓库中并自行修复任何冲突,我们不希望你破坏任何开发中的东西!

  • 请耐心,我们是一个小团队,因此我们的审核速度可能比较慢

  • 请在提交PR和Issue的时候尊重开发者和其它用户!

  • 尊重我们的决定,不要为我们拒绝了你的建议而伤心,生气。

Contributing Guidelines

Hi, there! Welcome to XMOJ-Script!

We are happy to have you here with us!

We believe that you must be excited to contribute to our repo, but first, please read the contribution guidelines!

  • Our goal for xmoj-script is stability before features. This means we focus on squashing critical bugs before adding new features. Often, we can do both in tandem, but bugs will take priority over a new feature.

  • We use Bootstrap in our project. Please use Bootstrap classes instead of writing your own CSS whenever possible.

  • Do not run a code formatter.

  • Do not use any external libraries without prior permission.

  • For new features, open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

  • Respect the original code style. Variables should be camelCase, functions should be PascalCase, and classes should be TitleCase. There is a bunch of old code that doesn't follow this rule, but new code should.

  • Commit Unix line endings.

  • Before Submitting your Pull Request, merge dev with your new branch and fix any conflicts. (Make sure you don't break anything in development!)

  • Be patient. We are a small team and may not be able to review your PR immediately.

  • Please be considerate towards the developers and other users when raising issues or presenting pull requests.

  • Respect our decision(s), and do not be upset or abusive if your submission is not used.

Last modified: 06 August 2024